Monday, July 25, 2011

Sleep apnea and snoring - You are thinking to rest well at night?

!±8± Sleep apnea and snoring - You are thinking to rest well at night?

There are many sleep disorders that make it impossible for a relaxing and getting enough sleep. Many people do not have the opportunity to wake up feeling fine. One of the most dangerous sleep disorder called sleep apnea.

Statistics show that more than 20 million U.S. adults with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), making it as common as diabetes and asthma are affected. To stop people with this deadly disease affected tract, whileSleep. These episodes of apnea can occur up to a hundred times a night. The most frightening and most dangerous of all is that most patients do not even know it. And sleep apnea is a real danger, if left untreated. As the body feels the need to breathe, the person is unconscious from a deeper, more restful sleep tight, which in many awakening during the night. These repeated episodes of daytime symptoms lead many people who suffer from sleep apneaExperience.

For many people it is a great challenge to see if sleep apnea or not. A second challenge is the best way to deal with so that you can put an end to frustration and start living a life of joy refreshing again.First satisfied, here are some of the most common signs and symptoms of OSA:

Loud snoring Choking, wheezing or choking during sleep, to let air into the lungs Feeling of not-updated the morning after a night's sleep Excessive daytime sleepiness andLethargy Headache upon awakening Rapid weight gain, gastroesophageal reflux disease (acid reflux) Memory loss, learning disabilities and short attention span

Due to lack of oxygen in the body during these periods, there are serious health problems that occur as a result of sleep apnea undiagnosed and untreated. These include:

Increased risk of heart attack Stroke and other problems with the structure of the brain Major challenges with diabetes ED and impotence Changes in behavior

Failure to observe this conditioncan reduce your life even if you are a heavy smoker - more than 10 years!

Sleep apnea occurs in various forms - central apnea, obstructive sleep apnea and mixed apnea. Obstructive sleep apnea, the most common form, occurs when the tongue falls back and blocks the airway. The best way is to make the correct diagnosis from the laboratory conducted a detailed study of sleep. In this study, detailed measurements of breathing, the brain-cycles of sleep, blood oxygen, heart rate, snoring and other sleep problemsadopted. On this basis, a sleep medicine physician to determine what experience insomnia.

The most prescribed treatment to date includes a CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) device, in which a patient wears a mask during sleep through hoses connected to a machine compressor. Although very effective, the statistics show that less than 35% of patients in accordance with this type of treatment are long term. People have problems with masks, tubes, noise, and theInsertion of CPAP therapy.

In recent years, many people had surgery to shrink the soft palate in an attempt to airway obstruction. These operations are not more popular because of the lack of long-term effectiveness.

There is now an alternative treatment is available as a stand-oral therapy (OAT). This treatment option for those who are unable to tolerate CPAP, moderate or mild to moderate sleep apnea. This equipment includes a well-studied therapy with the FDA approval of customizedBite splint at night to keep the jaw forward and end the airway from collapsing. This treatment has been shown to be effective as CPAP for many patients, and is certified by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine.

If you have symptoms of a sleep disorder can not wait, especially sleep apnea, more time to assess properly. It's your life in danger.

Sleep apnea and snoring - You are thinking to rest well at night?

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